Weply vs. HubSpot
Weply and HubSpot give businesses the ability to chat with website visitors in real time through a live chat. Where HubSpot deliver of a piece of chat software that allows the company to handle chats itself, Weply is a complete chat service that handles chats itself on behalf of companies. Weply also specialises in lead generation, which takes the impact of a chat to a new level.

Personal manned chat
With HubSpot, you use their chat software to answer your customer’s chat yourself. Here, you or your employees must be available to answer incoming chats. With Weply you're guaranteed 24/7 availability as external chat consultants will cover for you around the clock. These are chat consultants that handle chats for thousands of companies daily. Giving your potential customers a personal experience online will improve the customer’s experience and might be that one thing, which makes them choose you over your competitor.
Online 24/7
You are guaranteed 24/7 availability 365 days a year with Weply. With HubSpot, your online availability depends on your internal resources, as you must make sure you are online yourself and answer your visitors' chats. Our data shows that availability is crucial for companies to reach their full sales potential. Over 50% of all chats come outside the period 9am-4pm and 23% of all chats are in weekends. That's why external chat consultants staff your chat 24/7 at Weply. In that way, we make sure you do not miss a potential customer at any time.

Deep understanding of online dialogues
No humans are alike. The same goes for our way of communicating. Only human beings can understand the full context of the customers’ question which often is necessary if you want to give good answers. But not everyone can provide good answers that contributes to a good customer experience. Unlike HubSpot, Weply has a team of chat agents, who are specialists in online dialogues through chat and conversational psychology. They are among other things trained and tested in questioning techniques, mirroring, and meta-communication.
Take your chat to another level with lead generation
Receiving a ton of customer inquiries either by phone, e-mail, or contact forms sounds like any business’ dream. However, it can end up in a nightmare when you figure out how many of all these inquiries were relevant for you. This easily ends up in a lot of wasted work hours. You can avoid this with Weply's chat solution. We collect and forward leads on customers that live up to your individual lead requirements. You could have the lead requirement that your customer should give up a phone number, e-mail and live in a specific area. Similar function does not exist at HubSpot – in fact, we’re the only one on the market to offer this solution.

Easy and quick implementation
Getting your Weply chat up and running does not require any complex setup procedures. The setup itself only takes 5 minutes. From there, your chat will be staffed 24/7 by real people who specialize in online dialogues and converting website visitors into leads. Unlike Zendesk, Weply does not require any internal resources to have a well functioned chat. Since the chat is staffed by external chat consultants, you will not have to use any time or resources on training your employees in how to answer chats and use the platform. Weply will be your external partner who will feel like an additional internal employee.
The chat Google is going to reward
Chats will influence website’s SEO rating. Most chat services will have a negative effect as they slow down websites’ page speed. Unlike other providers, Weply’s fast and light widget will actually improve websites’ SEO rating. Weply’s chat will boost the site’s page authority through increased engagement, which will improve its rating in Google. This will add value to your business as it ultimately generates more traffic to your site. You can therefore implement Weply’s widget without worrying about degrading any of your SEO parameters.