Weply vs. tawk.to
Weply and tawk.to are both live chat providers that develop chats for businesses that are staffed by real human beings. One would therefore think they reminded a lot of each other. They do, too, at some points, but in the end, it is two very different solutions. Weply differentiates by offering a complete chat package where businesses won’t have to lift a finger or pay an extra fee to get the full effect of personal dialogues.

Personal manned chat
With Weply, you can rest assured that there's always a real human being ready to answer your website visitors' inquiries in the chat. Our chat agents are employed internally and are continuously trained. Also, they get better and faster at answering chats as they get to know your business and customers. Tawk.to is a free chat tool that lets you answer your own chats, but if you want external staffing, it costs 1$ per hour per chat agent.
24/7 Guaranteed
Unlike tawk.to, you are guaranteed 24/7 365 online availability with Weply. There will always be a real human being ready to interact with your visitors on your site. With tawk.to your availability will depend on your own resources in terms of covering the chat either yourself or paying extra for external chat agents. The fee for chat agents through tawk.to is 1$ per hour whereas the average price is 0.2$ at Weply. We know for a fact how important businesses’ online availability is. Our data show that +50% of all customers’ chats come outside the period 8AM-4PM, and more than 23% of all chats are in weekends. Therefore, 24/7 availability is part of Weplys chat solution.

Deep understanding of online dialogues
Weply and tawk.to both believe that interacting personally with customers online is key. No chat bots, only real human beings. However, there is a big difference in what kind of external staffing the two chat providers offer. Tawk.to offer chat agents that handle chats in English, where Weply offer agents that communicate in both English, Swedish and Danish. We know how important and convenient it is for customers to interact in their own native language. Also, Weply’s agents are specialists in online dialogues, as they are trained in questioning techniques, mirroring, dialogue management, and metacommunication. Having this skill set, the chat agents can adjust every single chat dialogue to the specific customer. This will elevate website visitors’ experience on your site, which lead to happier and more loyal customers.
Lead Generation-ready
Getting a ton of customer inquiries is every business' dream. But what if the majority of these leads aren't relevant for you? That's when wasted work hours pile up fast.
That's where Weplys chat solution comes in handy. We collect, sort and forward leads on customers that live up to your lead requirements. For instance, you could have the lead requirement that customers should give up a phone number and live in a specific area. A similar service does not exist at tawk.to – in fact, Weply is the only one on the market that offers this kind of lead generation 24/7.

Quick and easy to set up
Your chat can be up and running within 5 minutes from talking to us. Your site will be staffed 24/7 by real people who specialize in online dialogues and converting website visitors into leads.
Unlike tawk.to, Weply does not require any internal resources to have a well-functioned chat. Since the chat is staffed by external chat consultants, you will not have to use any time or resources on training your employees in how to answer chats and use the platform.
Chat and SEO: A Match Made in Heaven
Your website can have the best SEO in the world, but if it's slow, you're going to lose customers.
Weply's chat widget is fast and light, which means it won't slow down your site and will actually improve your SEO rating on Google.
This means that you can implement Weply without worrying about degrading any of your SEO parameters. In fact, it'll actually boost your site's page authority through increased engagement, which ultimately improves its rating in Google and generates more traffic to your site!